Nanobiz Technology Inc. Ranked Among the Top 5 Most Successful Companies in the METU Technopolis Performance Evaluation.
5 Mar 2025
METU Technopolis, which started its operations within the Middle East Technical University (METU) in 2000, is the first Science Park in Turkey. Over 300 companies operate within the technopolis, which spans an area of 125,000 square meters.
Nanobiz Technology Inc., which has been operating in the Gallium Block of METU Technopolis for 19 years since its establishment in 2006, has been ranked among the top five companies based on evaluations made according to METU Technopolis performance criteria (export revenue per employee, R&D income, Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights, number of collaborations with METU, number of EU projects, and received investments/awards).
We would like to thank all the stakeholders who contributed to this success.