We provide reliable and comprehensive analyses by conducting critical tests for military and civilian equipment.

We provide reliable and comprehensive analyses by conducting critical tests for military and civilian equipment.

We provide reliable and comprehensive analyses for military and civilian equipment.

As Nanobiz®, we are the solution partner of TRtest Test and Evaluation Inc.

Antimicrobial Activity Test (JIS Z-2801)

What is the purpose of the Antimicrobial Activity Test?

It is conducted to test the presence and effectiveness of antimicrobial activities, especially in biomedical materials.

Why is the Antimicrobial Activity Test necessary?

Having antimicrobial effects is a critical feature for many materials, especially biomedical materials. This test makes it possible to determine and report whether a material thought to have antimicrobial effects indeed has such effects and, if so, to what extent it is effective.

Which products can undergo the Antimicrobial Activity Test?

This test is accredited and conducted in our laboratory for all types of plastic, metallic, and ceramic products.

Antimicrobial Activity Test (JIS Z-2801)

What is the purpose of the Antimicrobial Activity Test?

It is conducted to test the presence and effectiveness of antimicrobial activities, especially in biomedical materials.

Why is the Antimicrobial Activity Test necessary?

Having antimicrobial effects is a critical feature for many materials, especially biomedical materials. This test makes it possible to determine and report whether a material thought to have antimicrobial effects indeed has such effects and, if so, to what extent it is effective.

Which products can undergo the Antimicrobial Activity Test?

This test is accredited and conducted in our laboratory for all types of plastic, metallic, and ceramic products.

Antimicrobial Activity Test (JIS Z-2801)

What is the purpose of the Antimicrobial Activity Test?

It is conducted to test the presence and effectiveness of antimicrobial activities, especially in biomedical materials.

Why is the Antimicrobial Activity Test necessary?

Having antimicrobial effects is a critical feature for many materials, especially biomedical materials. This test makes it possible to determine and report whether a material thought to have antimicrobial effects indeed has such effects and, if so, to what extent it is effective.

Which products can undergo the Antimicrobial Activity Test?

This test is accredited and conducted in our laboratory for all types of plastic, metallic, and ceramic products.

Learn More

For further information and quotes about our products, please reach out to us at info@nanobiz.com.tr

More Information

For further information and quotes about our products, please reach out to us at satis@nanobiz.com.tr

More Information

For further information and quotes about our products, please reach out to us at satis@nanobiz.com.tr

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'Our Curiosity is the Cause of Our Creativity'


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+90 312 210 18 71

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'Our Curiosity is the Cause of Our Creativity'

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