We provide reliable and comprehensive analyses by conducting critical tests for military and civilian equipment.

We provide reliable and comprehensive analyses for military and civilian equipment.

We provide reliable and comprehensive analyses by conducting critical tests for military and civilian equipment.

As Nanobiz®, we are the solution partner of TRtest Test and Evaluation Inc.

Determination of Fungus Resistance Test (ASTM G21)

What is the purpose of the Fungus Resistance Determination Test?

It is conducted to determine whether synthetic polymeric materials will develop fungal (mold and mildew) growth under controlled environmental conditions and, if so, to assess whether this growth affects the functionality of the equipment.

Why is the Fungus Resistance Determination Test necessary?

Synthetic polymeric materials are widely used in various sectors for different purposes today. The loss of function in these widely used materials due to fungal growth can lead to undesirable consequences; therefore, determining the fungus resistance of these materials plays an important role in the design of functional materials.

Which products can undergo the Fungus Resistance Determination Test?

This test is accredited and conducted in our laboratory for all synthetic polymeric materials.

Determination of Fungus Resistance Test (ASTM G21)

What is the purpose of the Fungus Resistance Determination Test?

It is conducted to determine whether synthetic polymeric materials will develop fungal (mold and mildew) growth under controlled environmental conditions and, if so, to assess whether this growth affects the functionality of the equipment.

Why is the Fungus Resistance Determination Test necessary?

Synthetic polymeric materials are widely used in various sectors for different purposes today. The loss of function in these widely used materials due to fungal growth can lead to undesirable consequences; therefore, determining the fungus resistance of these materials plays an important role in the design of functional materials.

Which products can undergo the Fungus Resistance Determination Test?

This test is accredited and conducted in our laboratory for all synthetic polymeric materials.

Determination of Fungus Resistance Test (ASTM G21)

What is the purpose of the Fungus Resistance Determination Test?

It is conducted to determine whether synthetic polymeric materials will develop fungal (mold and mildew) growth under controlled environmental conditions and, if so, to assess whether this growth affects the functionality of the equipment.

Why is the Fungus Resistance Determination Test necessary?

Synthetic polymeric materials are widely used in various sectors for different purposes today. The loss of function in these widely used materials due to fungal growth can lead to undesirable consequences; therefore, determining the fungus resistance of these materials plays an important role in the design of functional materials.

Which products can undergo the Fungus Resistance Determination Test?

This test is accredited and conducted in our laboratory for all synthetic polymeric materials.

Learn More

For further information and quotes about our products, please reach out to us at info@nanobiz.com.tr

More Information

For further information and quotes about our products, please reach out to us at satis@nanobiz.com.tr

More Information

For further information and quotes about our products, please reach out to us at satis@nanobiz.com.tr

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'Our Curiosity is the Cause of Our Creativity'

© 2025 NANObiz® TECHNOLOGY INC. All rights reserved.

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'Our Curiosity is the Cause of Our Creativity'


METU Technopolis Gallium Block No: 27 / 218 Cankaya / ANKARA / TURKEY





444 NANO (62 66)

+90 312 210 18 71

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